Using Veneers To Correct Common Dental Issues

Veneers can be an effective treatment for patients that need to correct teeth that have structural issues, severe discoloration or a range of other defects. As with other dental procedures, there are some important pieces of information that patients will need to have to be able to effectively evaluate whether veneers are the right option for achieving their desired smile.

Why Would You Want To Opt For Porcelain Over Composite Veneers?

When a person decides to get veneers placed on their teeth, they will have the choice of either porcelain or composite veneers. While composite veneers may be the more affordable option, this does not mean that they will always be the best solution. Composite veneers will not be as strong as ones made from porcelain. For patients that have teeth that have major structural issues, porcelain can be the superior choice due to the enhanced support and protection that it will provide.

Will Your Veneers Ever Have To Be Replaced?

Porcelain veneers are extremely durable and strong. However, they will not be a permanent addition to the mouth due to the fact that they will eventually suffer enough wear to warrant replacement. When it comes time for the veneers to be replaced, patients will need to avoid needlessly delaying this procedure. Luckily, the procedure for replacing veneers is not as inconsistent, expensive, or time-consuming as the original placement. Patients that fail to have their veneers replaced according to schedule can find themselves more likely to have a veneer come loose or otherwise fail. During your yearly cleaning and dental examination, your dentist will be able to inspect the veneers to determine whether it is time for you to start planning on having the veneers replaced.

What Types Of Changes Are Made To The Teeth To Accommodate Porcelain Veneers?

Patients will often assume that placing veneers on their teeth will simply involve sticking the veneer on the tooth with a dental adhesive. While this is the main process for placing a veneer, it is usually necessary to remove a small portion of the outer enamel on the teeth. This is done to make enough room for the veneer to comfortably fit over the tooth. It may seem that this will be extremely painful, but it should cause little more than mild discomfort. For the first day or two after the procedure, patients may find that their teeth are slightly more sensitive than normal, but this is normal and should pass fairly quickly.

For more information about veneers, visit websites like
