Three Tips to Help You Recover from a Tooth Extraction

Whether it is for cosmetic purposes or due to damage, having a tooth extracted is never a pleasant procedure for patients to go through, but it may be unavoidable. For patients going through this treatment, it is important to note that there are some steps that they can take to help reduce their recovery time and discomfort caused by this treatment. More precisely, the following tips can help you to recover from this form of dental surgery as quickly as possible. 

Avoid Eating until the Painkillers Have Worn Off

Before your dentist can start the extraction, you will need to be given pain medication to numb the mouth. Iit is important to note that you should avoid eating until the medication's effects have worn off. When your mouth is numbed, it is easy for you to accidentally bite your tongue or cheek hard enough to cause severe injury.

Use Pressure and Gauze When Bleeding

While the extraction site is healing, it is normal for it to occasionally start to bleed. If this occurs, you will need to stop the bleeding to help the healing process proceed. To do this, you will need to apply pressure to stop the bleeding. The easiest way to do this is to apply a piece of gauze to the site and put pressure on it using your tongue. After a few minutes, the bleeding should stop.

Rinse with Saltwater throughout the Day

Preventing infection is one of the more important things that you can do to help your recovery process proceed as smoothly as possible. Fortunately, you can dramatically reduce the risk of infection by rinsing with a saltwater solution. The salt will help kill bacteria, but it will not be harmful to the healing gums. While it is also possible to use a prescription strength mouthwash, this is often an unnecessary expense as long as proper dental hygiene is combined with the use of this saltwater rinse.

Having one of your teeth extracted can be a stressful experience because you may be concerned about it having a lengthy recovery time. Considering that you may not be able to eat the foods that your want or may experience difficulty speaking, you may be relieved to understand that these three tips may help to ensure that your recovery is as short as possible. However, every patient is different, and if your dentist, one like William J Guthrie DDS PC, has additional steps that you need to do, follow them to ensure your risk of complications are kept to a minimum. 
