Why Do You Need A Crown After A Root Canal?

When you have extensive decay that has reached all the way to the pulp inside of a tooth, you'll need a root canal in order to treat it. During a root canal, your dentist will hollow out the inside of your tooth in order to remove the infected pulp. Afterward, the hollowed-out portion will be filled in order to prevent any more bacteria from getting inside your tooth.

After your root canal treatment, you'll need to have a crown placed on the tooth in order to protect it. However, dental crowns can be expensive, and many people wonder if they're able to skip getting a crown after a root canal. Having a crown placed on the treated tooth is almost always necessary, and it can prevent serious problems later on that require more dental work in order to fix. To learn why you need to get a crown after a root canal, read on.

A Crown Protects Your Tooth From Cracking

During your root canal procedure, the pulp underneath your enamel needs to be removed in order to disinfect your tooth. The pulp supplies the nutrients that your teeth need to maintain strength, and teeth often become very brittle without it.

A tooth that has had a root canal performed on it is very susceptible to cracking, and teeth that receive a large amount of force when you're chewing (such as your molars) are especially at risk. Dental crowns are designed to withstand the forces of chewing, and having one placed on your tooth after your root canal will make it much less likely to break.

A Crown Restores the Appearance of Your Tooth

When tooth decay is extensive enough to require a root canal, it often results in large cavities. It also weakens the tooth, making it more likely to chip. As a result, a tooth that needs a root canal is often in very poor cosmetic condition due to decay. In addition, a hole needs to be drilled into the tooth so that the pulp can be removed during the procedure.

Overall, a tooth that has had a root canal performed on it often has extensive cosmetic damage. Having a crown placed on the tooth restores its appearance since dental crowns are shaped and colored to match your natural teeth.

A Crown Makes Reinfection Less Likely

If you crack your tooth after a root canal, it's possible for it to become infected again. A crack can allow bacteria to access areas that aren't protected by the filling inside of the pulp. If this happens, you'll need to have a second root canal performed in order to remove the new infection. This procedure is called endodontic retreatment. Having a crown placed on your tooth after your root canal will decrease the likelihood that you'll need to undergo another one.

Overall, the primary purpose of placing a crown on a tooth after a root canal is to keep it protected. A tooth with a crown is less likely to crack and become infected again. In addition, it also restores the natural appearance of your tooth after it has undergone extensive decay. When your dentist is performing a root canal on one of your teeth, it's always a good idea to follow their advice and have a crown placed on it afterward in order to keep it protected.

For more information, contact a dentist.
