Meeting Your Dental Care Needs

Individuals may know the importance of a beautiful smile but forget that good oral health requires more than just regular brushing and flossing. Professional dental cleanings are essential to preserving good oral health.

Understand The Importance Of Oral Health

Protecting your oral health is an essential aspect of overall well-being. It plays a surprisingly significant role in preventing and managing various illnesses like cardiovascular diseases. This may be unexpected, but poor oral health allows bacteria from the gums to enter the bloodstream. Unfortunately, many people overlook or underestimate this significance.

Developing bad oral hygiene habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, bad breath, and even systemic infections. It can also have far-reaching consequences on your general health. For example, it may contribute to causing respiratory problems or making it difficult to manage pre-existing conditions like diabetes.

Regular dental checkups help detect potential issues before they become severe problems, while professional cleanings remove built-up plaque that everyday brushing cannot reach. Cleanings prevent cavities by removing harmful bacteria which can weaken tooth enamel. Otherwise, these substances would gradually weaken the enamel and contribute to the formation of cavities.

Preparing for a Cleaning Appointment:

A typical dentist or dental hygienist appointment for teeth cleaning involves several steps, including examining your overall oral health condition. During this examination, a visual inspection of the teeth and gums is completed. Additionally, x-rays are taken to look for damage that may not be readily noticeable.

Before visiting the dentist's office, thoroughly brush and floss to remove any food or tartar between your teeth. You should avoid eating or drinking coffee or soda before the cleaning session. These steps can help ensure the dentist can thoroughly assess your teeth.

Know The Differences Between Deep Teeth Cleaning And Regular Teeth Cleaning Sessions

While regular dental cleanings focus on maintaining oral health, deep cleanings are performed when periodontal disease is present. A deep teeth cleaning involves thoroughly removing the plaque from below the gum line using more advanced techniques like root planing and scaling.

Deep teeth cleanings are recommended when there is a significant amount of plaque buildup beneath the gums due to poor oral hygiene, leading to periodontal disease. Signs include swollen gums that bleed easily as well as persistent bad breath. This procedure can remove the buildup of plaque and tartar below the gum line, where you may not reach it.

Understand Dry Mouth Syndrome

Dry mouth syndrome occurs when there is insufficient saliva production in your mouth. This can result from medications, autoimmune diseases, or some medical treatments. Managing dry mouth syndrome involves using products designed specifically for this condition, like prescription or OTC saliva substitutes.

For more information, contact a professional like Dr. Jon Douglas Lesan, DDS, RpH, PA.
