You probably know to brush your teeth after every meal, or to use a proxy brush to reach some of those hard-to-reach places due to your braces. But there are other things that you can do to take care of your braces and keep that smile shining.
Braces and Unfriendly Foods
You should try to stay away from foods that might bend your braces or get trapped in your braces.
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If your smile is not as attractive as you would like, due to problems with the appearance of your teeth, cosmetic dentistry applications may help. Cosmetic dentistry is not used to restore your oral health, but it may boost your confidence and self-esteem. Here are a few cosmetic dental applications that can be used to beautify your smile:
Teeth Whitening
If your teeth appear yellow or dark, dental bleaching may whiten them.
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If you have a chip in your front tooth, you don't have to let it ruin your smile. Your dentist can repair it with a veneer or dental bonding. Here are some tips for deciding which option is best for you.
Compare Cost
If you're on a tight budget, then dental bonding may be the best option for you. Bonding begins at around $100 per tooth, and the price of a veneer begins around $500.
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When it comes to having a perfect smile, you may want to consider getting veneers. Doing so can make a drastic change in your appearance and may even provide you with more self-confidence in the process. However, before going to the expense and trouble of getting porcelain veneers, there are certain things you should know.
The cost
Regardless if you do or don't have dental insurance, you will want to know the cost of veneers.
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When you have been told you need a root canal, a lot of things can crop up into your mind. If you have never had the procedure done before, you likely don't know what to expect. There are many rumors circulating the procedure that are not the truth. Researching the procedure can help relive some of the anxiety you feel leading up to it and dispel any myths that you may have heard.
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