If your dental crown becomes loose or comes off altogether, it is important to have this crown reattached as soon as possible. Leaving the crown off can result in tooth pain, cause food particles to become lodged below the gums, and cause damage to the underlying tooth or implant. Unfortunately, getting to the dentist right away may not always be possible. That is why it is important for you to know the three-step process to temporarily reattach your dental crown until you are able to see a dentist.
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When wisdom teeth start to appear, either during your teen or early adulthood, they can result in significant oral complications. In most cases, family dentists advise patients with such teeth to have them removed, even though most people don't take this advice seriously. If you doubt whether it's necessary to remove such teeth, this guide highlights why you shouldn't hesitate to see a professional.
Partially Or Fully Trapped Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Dental Problems
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Children born with a cleft palate may need more dental care as their teeth start to come in. For parents, this can be a confusing time because often the child may also need to go through surgery to cope with the cleft palate. Read on to find out what effect a cleft palate may have on your child's dental future.
When Baby Teeth Emerge
As far the timing goes, a child born with a cleft palate will probably begin to get baby teeth at the same time as any other child will.
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Crooked, chipped, missing, or stained teeth are common teeth defects that may affect your health. Most people care more about their appearance, for whatever reasons. This reason increases the demand for dentist services in the cosmetic industry. If you experience teeth defects and want to look and feel your best, find below the best cosmetic dentistry treatments you can try.
Dental Bridges
Dental bridges remedy missing teeth. A dental bridge is an artificial tooth that fills tooth gaps.
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If you have an impacted wisdom tooth that needs to be removed from your mouth, you need to undergo a surgical procedure to have it safely extracted. This procedure is done in the comfort of your practitioner's office but will require that you are sedated while it is conducted. Here are steps to take after your surgery to ensure a successful recovery.
Bring Someone Along For The Surgery
It is important that you have someone with you at your dentist's office when you have your surgical procedure conducted.
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